Park Ridge Education Association


Member's Area


  •  Memorandum of Understanding with PREA
  • Contract rollover with salary:   
  • PREA Salary schedule
  • March 17th – March 30th are being recognized as Act of God Days. This means all district employees will receive normal salary, hourly and stipend pay, benefits and will earn full service credit into pension system
  • Unless your district is on spring break, you are not on vacation! We are working from home!
  • Your district can expect employees to participate in some form of work from home. They can require some staff to report to school. However, they must adhere to IDPH and CDC recommendations of social distancing and group gatherings. Concrete details of work including stipend work needs to be mutually agreed upon by bargaining organizations.
  • Current law and RIF procedures remain in full force including all timelines. Meetings and evaluation conferences associated with these statues will occur remotely. For details, see Dr. Ayala’s update from 3/16/20.
  • If you are a tenured teacher and have not had your formal observation yet, your rating will be proficient.
  • Districts cannot have whole group meetings until the CDC restrictions are relaxed.
  • ISBE is not requiring attendance, but districts can require you to check attendance of students participating in e-learning to make adjustments to their program.
  • If your district does not have an e-learning plan, you can be required to make contact with students as long as the request is reasonable. This plan should be worked out at the local level and all stakeholders should be in mutual agreement as to what is reasonable.
  • As of today, the NEA RA is still taking place in June/July. If you are planning on going, IEA recommends paying for the trip insurance. If the event is cancelled, you will be able to use the flight credit personally. IEA will not reimburse you for your flight because you will receive a credit you can use personally.
  • They are still working on how to address student teaching issues and higher education issues.
  • Everything decided as of today is based upon the assumption that we will be returning to school on March 31st.Everything will be revisited if the closures continues beyond March 30th.
  • The IEA website is being updated regularly. It also contains links to crucial information provided by other organizations.






Meeting Minutes and Talking Points


Teacher Evaluation Plan

Grievance Information: Members can contact their building reps or Erin Breendirectly if they have any situation that they feel might be greivable. The grievance process can be found on pp. 34-37 of the contract.